
有人在Reddit上说,现在在中国不用VPN上一些西方网站会被转向到 http://wpkg.org ,凡是有facebook按钮的网站都会被转向,有人分析说这与上次利用百度广告代码攻击Github的方式类似,属于最新的中国网络大炮(great cannon)。

Anyone else? Almost all websites in both Chrome and IE keep automatically redirecting me to http://wpkg.org/ (self.China)
I click a website, it loads, then around 2 seconds later it automatically redirects me to http://wpkg.org/. Strangely I can’t even click the “back” button to go back to the original website.
It’s not all websites. For example, reddit seems unaffected. It happens in both IE and Chrome. However when I put the security settings in IE to maximum, it doesn’t happen. After disabling javascript, it also doesn’t happen.
For example http://cnn.com/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ like http://runescape.com/ http://www.kongregate.com/ www.learngermanguide.com these are literally some random websites I just tried and they all redirect to http://wpkg.org/ after a few seconds. All I wanna do is read the news and play some games, damnit!
I am in China. Not using VPN.
110 commentsshare

刚发现在不翻墙的状态下访问cnn、economist、time等原来没被墙的国外网站,会自动跳转到http://wpkg.org 这个网站上去。是不是以后国外网站都得这样了?看来1984已经有模有样了。


