Unblock Mahmood's Den

来源:Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance

Nov. 2, 2006: mahmood.tv has been unblocked!

Full report from Mahmood here.

Mahmood Al-YousifMahmood Al-Yousif is a Bahraini businessman who runs one of the Arab world's most popular blogs: Mahmood's Den. Known as the godfather of the blogging scene in Bahrain, Al-Yousif has inspired dozens of young people in the Persian Gulf to begin blogging and his blog receives over 1.5 million hits a month from around the world. For the last two years, he has served as a judge for HAMSA's Dream Deferred Essay Contest on civil rights in the Middle East.

But now Al-Yousif's outspoken and free-spirited writing has prompted Bahrain's Ministry of Information to block his site. If you try to visit Mahmood's Den from inside Bahrain, all that appears is an error page with the word "Forbidden" in big letters.

Please take a moment to protest censorship and protect free expression in Bahrain. When you add your voice, an email will be delivered to Bahrain's Minister of Information. Please sign -- and encourage your friends to do the same.

348 people have sent letters as part of this campaign. Click here to see who has sent a letter.

Unblock Mahmood's Den
Dear [Decision Maker],

I write to protest the decision of the Bahrain Ministry of Information and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to block the website of Mahmood Al-Yousif at http://www.mahmood.tv.

Mahmood's Den is a website that celebrates free speech and tolerance. For many international and local Bahrani readers, Mahmood Al-Yousif on his blog represents the best of the Bahraini spirit. The government of Bahrain has no right to block his website.

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which the Bahraini Government is a signatory, states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

And Article 23 of the Bahrain Constitution states: "Freedom of opinion and scientific research is guaranteed."

Article 26 of the Constitution states: "The freedom of postal, telegraphic and electronic communication is safeguarded and its confidentiality is guaranteed."

I ask the Bahraini government to stop blocking Mahmood Al-Yousif's website. I will share my concerns with international leaders, including members of the US Congress.

This campaign is no longer open.
