作者:Mary Joyce 来源:DigiActive
Description of Campaign: In January of 2008, the Yemeni Ministry of Communications blocked the news aggregation site YemenPortal.net. Today, the creator of the site, Walid Al-Saqaf, along with the progressive organization Mideast Youth, launched FreeYemenPortal.org, the official site of the campaign the end the campaign on YemenPortal.net.
Digital Activism Tools: blog banners, petition
How These Tools Are Being Used: The site is asking bloggers to post Free YemenPortal.net banners on their sites. In addition, Mideast youth has posted a Free YemenPortal.net petition on their site.
Update after the jump…
Update (April 4): This week, the government�s Minister of Information threatened to file lawsuits against news websites on the justification of �inciting hatred� or �harming national interests� and the other usual excused they often use to prosecute journalists. The threat is even more severe for websites because the government would use the penal code instead of the press law. This means that website owners could get up to death penalties.