
作者:doubleaf   来源:
蒙Isaac Mao推荐,6月15日下午在后海与AMARC(World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters世界社区广播者协会)主席Steve Buckley、亚太区主席Ashish Sen、国际妇女网络副主席Mavria Victoria Cabrera Balleza一行三人进行了交流。(Steve在北京写的博客:AMARC in Beijing /News from everywhere WITH AUDIO )



English Version



大约1990年左右,政府要求每家每户都安装一个有线广播接收器,其实就是个小喇叭,可以在家收听广播,有点《1984》里电幕的意思。不过这接收器是可以关闭的,也没有其他复杂功能。除了村里的广播站以外,村小学也有一个广播, 不过主要用来升国旗、做操和开会时用,基本没有信息传播作用。










How Chinese Rural Residents Acquire and Disseminate Information During the Past 20 Years

Thanks to the recommendation of Isaac Mao, I met with Steve Buckley(President of AMARC), Ashish Sen(VP for Asia Pacific) and Mavria Victoria Cabrera Balleza (VP for WIN) yesterday at Houhai Beijing. Due to some mistakes that I might make or something missed in our friendly conversation, I’ve decided to blog on How Chinese Rural Residents Acquire and Disseminate Information During the Past 20 Years.

I had been living in the countryside of northern Jiangsu Province till 18 years old and then I went to beijing for college. For its coastal advantage, Jiangsu is one of the richest provinces in China, but the northern part is not as prosperous as its southern neighbour,especially some 20 years ago.

At that time, the villagers acquired outside news mostly by radio,TV and newspapers.As for the neigborhood news, it’s all about mouth-to-mouth. The TV did not prevail untill middle 1990s in my hometown. Before that, radio was a vital method to get information. There was a wired broadcast station in almost every village inhabited by some 2000 people and it was connected to the station in the town, the town connected with the county. Thus, a wired broadcast network was set up. Such broadcast stations were state-owned and behaved as the so-called mouthpiece of the government and Communist Party. Sometimes, the village government sent notices to hold meetings and inform villagers to get their letters or somethings else via it.

Around 1990, every family was required to install a radio receiver,but it didn’t work anymore several years later.Actually, many families at that time owned a short-wave radio.

After 1995, the wired broadcast network was abolished and a brand-new FM network(yeah, a real radio network) covered the whole county or about some 2 million people was established. But at the same time,radio already lost its influence and TV prevailed. There’re only 6-7 TV channels at that time, while we have more than 50 channels nowadays.

As for the paper-based media, because only the village governments and schools subscribed newspapers and a few magazines , and also due to the literacy, it’s not so important in my hometown.

Around 1998, telephone was still something new. But serveral years later, almost every family got one and it since became an important means of spreading information. In 2005 , earthquake rumors spreaded throughout my hometown by telephone, nearly 2 million people stayed outside in panic for the whole night .

Seven years ago, some rich guys bgan to use cell phone and it’s very popular among youngsters now. At present, almost every family has one. Meanwhile, my hometown had access to the Internet ,and now there is at least one Internet cafe in each town. One village which is about 10 kilometers away from my home, got broadband access at as early as 2000.Of course, that village is quite rich, alomst every family owns a car.

As for China today, we can acquire and spread news through many means such as Internet/TV/radio/newspaper/Mobile Phone. We can disseminate information by online forums/blogs/QQ groups(QQ is the Chinese clone of the once-popular IM client ICQ)/twitter and so on. I’d rather not repeat it.

The above is just a rough summary about how Chinese people get information and spread it that I know about.
