
作者:棹元 来源:http://liang.im/63

棹元受邀参加在美国驻华大使馆举办的座谈会,将观看并讨论国务部长希拉里在华盛顿的关于“互联网自由”的讲话。希拉里的讲话将阐述美国外交政策的新基础,范畴覆盖人权,发展,技术和创新 。

to discuss and view a recorded copy of the speech Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will deliver in Washington, D.C. on internet freedom. The Secretary’s speech will stake out new ground for U.S. foreign policy, in an area where human rights, development, technology, and innovation converge.

· 驻华公使金瑞柏将主持座谈,与会者将包括来自使馆的政治,经济和公共事务部门的代表。来自广州和上海领馆的参加者将通过电视会议的形式加入讨论。

· Deputy Chief of Mission, Bob Goldberg will open the Embassy’s event and participants on the panel will include representatives from the Embassy’s Political, Economic, and Public Affairs Sections. Participants from Guangzhou and Shanghai will join the discussion by DVC.

