在4.2.1越狱之后 开始着手各种翻墙手段 对于常用的一些twitter facebook客户端 网上有GFWInterceptor 安装之后客户端不需要配置API就可以直接登陆 在安装了GFWInterceptor之后 首次连接十分成功 但是由于这又是一个架设在GAE上的插件 和gtap一样 在没有wifi的时候抽风的时间远大于正常的时间 无奈VPN太贵 免费的又没有保证 在有SSH账号的情况下就研究了一下TOUCH上的SSH客户端
网上相应的教程很多 在此做一总结 首先要安装两个客户端OpenSSH和MobileTerminalOpenSSH在很多源里都能找到 基本没有问题 MobileTerminal这个软件网上有很多说不能在4.2.1使用 GOOGLE一下发现已经更新了版本 按照以下教程进行安装
MobileTerminal Updated to Bring in Support for iOS 4.2.1 and More
Well, here is a great news for all the MobileTerminal fans out there ! Yesterday, Allen Porter has declared an updated version of his MobileTerminal app i.e. the version 472. This updated version has brought many new updates which the previous version was lacking, hence we can say it's a major update to this app. The enhanced features of this updated version include, configurable gesture controls, customizable shortcuts and many more. Well, to download this updated version on your iOS devices, just follow our step by step guidelines posted below.

How to Install MobileTerminal v472 on iOS 4.2.1 Device
Before you go through the step by step guidelines, just be sure that you have a jailbroken iOS device to run this updated tweak. If you haven't already, then you can follow our step by step guidelines posted to jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod touch on iOS 4.2.1 using Redsn0w here.
Step � 1 : You can add a Cydia source by going into Manage > Sources > Edit > Add. Here is our repo URL:

Step � 2 : Once you have added the iJailbreak repository into your iDevice, you will need to go into the iJailbreak source ( Manage > Sources > iJailbreak.com ), and once you are inside the iJailbreak source you will see MobileTerminal within the many other packages we have in our repository. When you find the MobileTerminal package, click it and install it to your iPod Touch, iPhone or even iPad.

Step � 3 : Once MobileTerminal has succesfully installed you can launch MobileTerminal from your springboard. When MobileTerminal is up and running you will see a command line interface presented to you.

If you used the old version of MobileTerminal (V426), you will remember that not a lot of features were very functional. With MobileTerminal V472 however, this is certainly not the case. If you click the italic i icon on the right hand side of the screen you will be presented with a few configurable options.

Well, these configurable options include Shortcode menus and gesture controls, two very powerful features that will make your MobileTerminal experience much better. Don't forget to share your views and comments on this with us. As usual, stay tuned with us for more recent updates
安装MobileTerminal完毕之后就可以登陆SSH了 按照这里的步骤 先下载了PAC文件 考虑到版本可能较老 打开发现IPHONE的PAC文件和WIN的PAC文件基本相同 于是将其替换为自己的版本 更改连接方式(http改socks)和端口之后 用ifunbox上传到touch中以下是原文
4、打开Terminal,输入"ssh -D 7070 用户名@服务器地址",如:ssh -D 7070 todaym@dreamhost.com,首次连接会提示(yes/no),输入"yes",然后输入密码。
更新:如果不想每次连接SSH都输入密码的同学,请参考此文:让iPhone/iPod Touch/Mac的SSH自动登陆。
在 登陆SSH时服务器地址要填写完整(包括二级域名) 如果觉得每次都要输入地址比较麻烦 可以在MobileTerminal里添加快捷命令 验证密码之后就可以使用SSH了 由于用到的都是WIFI方式连接SSH 所以文章评论中提到的EDGE和3G环境下连接SSH的方法暂时不做研究
但是每次都要输入SSH密码 也比较繁琐 还好LZ还提供了一个自动登陆SSH的方法 按照教程先添加.ssh文件夹 生成KEY之后就可以方便地登陆SSH了
不会用SSH让iPhone/iPod Touch翻Qiang的同学可以参考:SSH配PAC让iPhone/iPod Touch翻墙,然后再看此文。
在iPhone/iPod Touch/Mac上用SSH翻Qiang每次输入密码,以及掉线后再输入密码很繁琐,不过办法总是有的。废话不多说,下面进入主题。
1、打开Terminal(终端),输入"ssh-keygen -t rsa",等待一下,然后连续三次回车确认。
2、输入"cd ~/.ssh"进入.ssh文件夹。
3、输入"cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys"生成authorized_keys。
4、 把authorized_keys传你服务器的.ssh文件夹下,输入"scp authorized_keys 你用户名@服务器:~/.ssh"。 例:"scp authorized_keys nie@demo.dreamhost.com:~/.ssh",其间会问你是否继续连接,输入"yes",然后会让你输入密码。
如 果没有.ssh文件夹,自行创建。输入命令"ssh 你用户名@服务器",然后输入密码进入服务器,例:"ssh nie@demo.dreamhost.com",进入后输入"mkdir .ssh"创建.ssh文件夹,再输入"chmod go-w .ssh",然后输入"logout"退出连接,到此.ssh文件夹创建完成。
5、输入"ssh -D 7070 你用户名@服务器"看看是不是翻Qiang不需要输入密码了?例:"ssh -D 7070 nie@demo.dreamhost.com"。
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