About Global Voices Advocacy

来源: Global Voices Advocacy

Global Voices Advocacy:

seeks to build a global anti-censorship network of bloggers and online activists throughout the developing world that is dedicated to protecting freedom of expression and free access to information online. The aim of this network is to raise the awareness of online freedom of speech issues and to share tools and tactics with activists and bloggers facing similar situations in different parts of the globe.The network is meant not only to provide support to its members, but also to produce educational guides about anonymous blogging, anti-censorship campaigns, and online organizing. By collaborating with software developers, activists, and bloggers, the network hopes to design new and more appropriate tools to protect our rights on the Internet.

For more information about internet censorship by governments around the world, read the Open Net Initiative’s home page and country studies. Also check out this article and this excellent weblog by one of the world’s premiere experts on Internet censorship, Nart Villeneuve.

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Global Voices Advocacy
