OperaTor是 一个Opera的组合体,它可以让你使用Opera以匿名的方式浏览网站,这与Foxtor功能是一样的.我不想用技术的角度去描述它是如何工作的,只是 一点:Tor使用一种分层的方式通过不同的服务器来发送你的浏览请求,你的信息只有那些转发服务器知道.这意味着你的目标服务器并不能测出你的浏览请求, 它所能知道的仅仅是那些转发服务器的IP地址.
OperaTor设置和使用起来并不复杂,你只要下载符合Windows版本并解开压缩包 就可以了,不用安装,这对于移动用户非常方便。你可以拷贝这个软 件到你的USB盘上,可以在任何机器上运转,非常适合网吧和公共场合使用。只要打开OperaTor.exe,三个程序会自动打开,使用起来与原来的 Opera一样,不同的是任何浏览信息都不会储存在电脑上。
OperaTor is a portable software bundle which allows you to browse the web anonymously. It combines the power of the Opera Browser, Tor and Privoxy.
With OperaTor no data will be stored at the computer you plugged your portable memory into.
Changes in the current release
fixed an issue where executing more than one instance of OperaTor would cause Tor and Polipo to remain running after closing OperaTor
solved an issue where downloading a file to disk could cause OperaTor to save Opera's profile folder to the same location
OperaTor now checks if there are no existing instances of Tor or Polipo running
as there were no complaints about Polipo, the Privoxy version of OperaTor has been discontinued
OperaTor 2.6 - PBwiki
OperaTor 2.6 - WikiSend
OperaTor 2.5 (Privoxy version) - PBwiki
OperaTor 2.5 (Privoxy version) - WikiSend